Inspiring Children, and their Families, through Play, Art and Reading. Always with a love of Nature. SEE BEAUTY. CREATE ART. LOVE READING. SUSTAIN NATURE.
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Parenting Resource Book - NEW! RAISING HAPPY HEALTHY CHILDREN, Why Mothering Matters
Parenting Resource Book - NEW! RAISING HAPPY HEALTHY CHILDREN, Why Mothering Matters
"Looks at the 3 Ms of mother, movement and music, and why mothering matters!"
From Hawthorn Press, the Early Years Series. View all Parenting Resource Books.
RAISING HAPPY HEALTHY CHILDREN written by Sally Goddard Blythe, explains what children really need, biologically, developmentally and socially in order to grow as healthy, balanced and happy individuals.
This is her fully updated second edition of her earlier seminal work, WHAT BABIES AND CHILDREN REALLY NEED. She explores more deeply how early mothering affects key developmental milestones essential for wellbeing in later life. She also argues that the use of parent-substitute baby equipment and electronic devices, are interfering with these same developmental milestones.
The well-know, and highly respected author, draws on the latest research on child development to give parents essential information for making informed decisions for raising children. Parenting is tough. It is an art with no absolute rules. However, convincing research shows how a baby's relationship with their mother (or, other singularly attentive parenting adult) has a lasting, profound impact.
Sally Goddard Blythe researches children's learning difficulties and is an authority on remedial programs. She is also the author of many well known, and widely translated books for parenting support, including The Well Balanced Child. Sold separately.
Softcover, 216 pages.
Hawthorn Press, Early Years Series, United Kingdom. Respecting the Right to Childhood. In partnership with the Alliance for Childhood.
Inspiring Children, and their Families, through Play, Art and Reading. Always, with a love of Nature.